Saturday, August 4, 2012

Playing Catch Up...Again

Since my last post, Twin Flames: Soul Bound was released through Muse It Up Publishing (July 27th) and Twin Flames: Soul Memory was contracted through Muse It Up Publishing (August 3rd). I think it's safe to say I'm on a feakin' high! *laugh* No, not on drugs...just on life itself. Which is all natural. I won't put up the tentative/projected release date as things could change between now and then, however, I will state this...I'm going to be massively busy over the next few months with work! While editing and everything else that goes along with publishing a piece of work, I plan to make more of an effort to get Twin Flames: Soul Destiny completed. I have big plans and things seem to be going along with what those are. A good thing, right? *smile*

As for plans past those stated above? Nope, haven't given it much thought. I do have Twin Flames: Soul Damned in the works as well as Cat's Heart and a few other untitlted ones. The one thing I will be doing is bouncing around and whatever catches my attention that's what I'll be working on. *grin*

So, that's what my recent life has been like. I have a couple spots where I'll be guest posting and doing interviews for Twin Flames: Soul Bound. For a single second I wondered what a complete stranger thought of the ebook. Then I asked myself, did it really matter? Not that I don't care, I do, honest. It's more of if the first person to post about Twin Flames: Soul Bound didn't like it and got nasty about my work and writing (as we all know, people LOVE posting under anything but their own names) it would hurt. I decided to focus on my writing and not completely on what's said about the book. Because I know for every one person who hates it or gets nasty there are just as many (if not more) that love it and gush all about it. It's a give and take, a 50/50 crap shot. I'll look at the positive and leave the negative where it belongs. Nowhere near me. :)


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